Blue Tetra Care Guide: A Vibrant Addition to Your Community Tank

The Blue Tetra ( Boehlkea azura) may be small in size, but it’s big on color and behavior, making it a delightful addition to any aquarist’s collection. This stunning little fish originating from the river basins of South America is known for its electric blue hue and its social nature, thriving in the company of its kind. If you’re considering introducing Blue Tetras into your home aquarium, this comprehensive care guide will ensure you create the optimal environment for your new aquatic friends.

Introduction to Blue Tetra


Also known as the ‘Blue Emperor Tetra,‘ this species sports a deep, iridescent blue coloration that becomes especially striking under the right lighting conditions. With a slender body and an active temperament, they’re a joy to watch as they zip through the water.


Native to the slow-moving, heavily vegetated rivers in the Amazon and Orinoco basins, Blue Tetras are accustomed to dimly-lit environments with plenty of plants. Mimicking this natural habitat in your aquarium is key to their well-being.


Blue Tetras are peaceful by nature, but they’re also known to form hierarchical structures within their groups. Providing ample space and an appropriately-sized school will allow them to cohabit harmoniously.

Setting Up the Ideal Tank for Blue Tetra

Tank Size and Setup

To keep a vibrant school of Blue Tetras happy, a 20-gallon tank should suffice. The setup should include lots of live plants, such as Java moss and Amazon sword, to provide hiding spots and security.

Water Parameters

It’s imperative to maintain stable water conditions:

  • Temperature: 73°F to 81°F
  • pH: 6.0 to 7.5
  • Hardness: Soft to medium

The utilization of a good water conditioner and regular water changes will help to ensure that these parameters are met consistently.

Suitable Tank Mates

Selecting fish that share a similar temperament is crucial. Ideal tank mates for Blue Tetras include other tetra species, small, peaceful bottom-dwellers like Corydoras catfish, and certain rasboras.

Feeding and Nutrition

Dietary Requirements

Blue Tetras are omnivorous, but they favor a primarily vegetarian diet in the wild. A well-rounded diet for your aquarium should include a mix of high-quality flake food, freeze-dried or live bloodworms, and brine shrimp.

Feeding Schedule

Feed your Blue Tetras twice a day, offering only what they can consume in 3 to 5 minutes. A varied diet will ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients to maintain their vibrant color and optimal health.

Breeding Blue Tetra

Conditions for Breeding

Creating a separate breeding tank with subdued lighting and a moss or fine-leaved plant spawning medium is recommended. Conditioning the breeding pair with nutrient-rich foods like live or frozen brine shrimp can initiate the breeding process.

Spawning and Caring for Fry

The female will scatter her eggs among the plants, usually during the early hours of the morning. After spawning, it’s best to remove the eggs to a separate rearing tank, as the adults may consume them. The fry are extremely small and will need to be fed infusoria or liquid fry food initially.

Tips for Successful Breeding

Maintaining pristine water conditions, providing appropriate hidings spots, and closely monitoring the spawning pair can greatly enhance breeding success. Patience is key, as it may take a few attempts for a pair to spawn successfully.

Common Health Issues


Blue Tetras are generally hardy, but they can be susceptible to ich (white spot disease) and fin rot if water conditions are poor. Signs of distress include clamped fins, a loss of color, or a refusal to eat.

Prevention and Treatment

Regular maintenance, a balanced diet, and the quarantine of new arrivals can help prevent the outbreak of common ailments. If disease does strike, an Ich treatment or anti-fungal medication may be necessary. Always refer to an experienced veterinarian or trusted resource for specific treatment advice.

Conclusion and Call to Action

With the right care, Blue Tetras can add an unmatched vibrancy to your community tank. By providing a suitable environment that mimics their natural habitat, adhering to a proper feeding regimen, and ensuring optimum water conditions, you can enjoy the beauty and social dynamics of these fascinating creatures.

We hope this guide has been a valuable resource for you as you explore the world of Blue Tetra care. If you’re a fellow aquarist or a fish enthusiast, consider sharing your own experiences with Blue Tetras, or ask any questions you may still have. Remember, the key to successful fishkeeping is continuous learning and an attentive eye. If you’re ready to create a tranquil and dynamic underwater scene, why not start by introducing the electric blues of the Blue Tetra into your aquatic menagerie?

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